Hey Friends!

Welcome to June Diaries

I’m a millennial mom navigating a career, motherhood, and everything in between. Being a wife, a mom, and a dog-mom are my top joys in life. I’m an Aquarius through and through. I’m a sales professional with a passion for business, and especially for helping women get the most out of their careers. Reality TV Junkie, sitcom fan, & Starbucks enthusiast.

In my early days as a new mama I spent a *lot* of time on the internet, a lot of which reading blogs. Fashion, beauty, and of course-mommy. Once I got back to work, I realized there were very few WORKING mom blogs out there, and that’s where the idea for June Diaries began to form. Doing sales for 10+ years I know firsthand the struggles business women face today, and it becomes glaringly more obvious as you add mom to your list of responsibilities. Here you’ll find a big mix of topics – some fashion/beauty, some mama tips and tricks, some sales advice I live by, and more.

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Why June Diaries?

My daughters middle name is June – which brought forth June Diaries. I was inspired to create this corner of the web after my daughter was born and it was clear there is a lack of business-mom bloggers out there. You can expect a wide variety of topics on this blog – fashion, motherhood, home and lifestyle, and sprinkled in with some career tips and sales tricks I’ve picked up over my years as a successful recruiter/headhunter in the healthcare field.