Monday Musings: Why Approachability is SO Important in Recruitment
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Another happy Monday, readers! Today’s post is coming from a thought I had last week regarding approachability and relatability.
Sales can be looked at as an slimy job. Being a “salesperson” can have negative connotations aligned with it – the “used car” salesman mentality. Someone who wants to pull one over. Someone who is only looking out for themselves. Someone who will vanish as soon as the contract is signed. Sound familiar?
In reality, sales is a relationship job. I’ll put it bluntly – the best sales billers are the people who are the best at building relationships and friendships quickly with total strangers. I’ve worked with my fair share of salespeople who think that success comes from things like having the right script, or the best equipment. That being the sharpest dressed person will do it, or – my ultimate favorite – that it’s mostly just a lot of luck.
I’m not saying these things don’t help in some instances, but the ultimate bottom line is that sales is all about the relationship. I think it is in a humans nature to want to work with someone they feel like they have something in common with, or someone that they feel some sort of connection with right off that bat. In recruiting, this is even more important! The bulk of your relationship is going to be over the phone, which isn’t the most personal of tools. Here are some things I find so important to make sure you are portraying the right image to your potential candidates.
Your Personal Brand
This really does go hand in hand with building that rapport and shedding that “salesperson” image that so many people distrust off the bat. You want to come off as a human to those you are repping. It’s a PRETTY good bet that candidates are going to check you out, either before your first conversation or after – whether it’s a google of your name, checking out your company profile, or checking out your social media big ones (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter…)
When I began using social media as a large part of my recruiting plan, I went to great lengths to make sure my profiles were showing the image I wanted. I think a big mistake some recruiters make is to think they need all their profiles look uber professional: using only headshots, company PR blasts, job postings, etc. That might work for some people – and maybe it’s just what you’re comfortable with! – but I find that the most successful recruiters add a lot more of a personal touch to their profiles.
I’m not saying to post extremely personal information – far from it – but DO add some personality in! Don’t just use the same headshot everywhere – use some personal photos well. Maybe a family portrait, or a candid. Every person you are speaking to on the phone is a human, and you are too. This might push you a bit outside your comfort zone or feel counter-intuitive, but I firmly believe it helps to build a bond between you, and anyone researching their future recruiter.
Being an Approachable Recruiter
I talked about this a lot back in a Monday Musings from September, but every conversation you have with a candidate helps lay the foundation of trust and rapport. Here are some of my tips to make sure your recruit feels they can come to you:
- TELL THEM They Can Come To You! This might seem to be the “DUH” moment of the post, but I am always shocked how many recruiters DON’T do this. From the beginning, tell your candidates they can talk to you honestly! I like to end a conversation with this, in a very honest discussion, that I won’t be mad, frustrated or annoyed if the candidate comes to me with questions, concerns, second thoughts, etc. Letting the candidate know that you understand circumstances change and that you just want to be in the conversation can help lessen the chance of you getting a ghost later on.
- Keep Calm and Cool: No one wants to work with a hothead or someone who seems flustered. Confidence is key her: take your time explaining everything, come prepared to a conversation, and slow your speech – don’t rush! Most of all, if a candidate DOES come to you with concerns, don’t dismiss or get defensive. Listen, respond in an understanding matter, and react from there.
- Just Be Honest: Being upfront and honest about everything with your candidates will help tremendously with building the rapport that will have them look at you as someone they can come to and ask about anything. Even if your honest answers turn a candidate off to a specific job, or cause second thoughts – that’s never a bad thing. You NEVER want to force a deal together, and the respect you will gain is more important than anything else.
The bottom line is that putting focus towards becoming a more approachable recruiter will pay off tenfold – you will get more referrals, have better quality conversations, and – ultimately – have a thriving and well run desk. I hope you were able to pick up a tip from this! If you ever want to discuss this more, hit me up: you can always shoot me an email to, or on any of my social platforms. Have a great week, love to hear from you all! xx
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